Initiate Payment

This API allows you to initiate transaction by making calls from your server which returns a URL that when visited will call up our payment modal.

Authorization Any request made without the authorization key (secret key) will fail with a 401 (Unauthorized) response code.

If using other services such as dynamic virtual accounts, do not use the same transaction reference

The authorization key is sent via the request header as Bearer Token Authorization

Example: Authorization: Bearer sandbox_sk_94f2b798466408ef4d19e848ee1a4d1a3e93f104046f


This endpoint returns a checkout URL that when visited calls up the modal with the various payment channel.


Request Body

    "status": 200,
    "message": "success",
    "data": {
        "auth_url": null,
        "access_token": null,
        "merchant_info": {
            "merchant_response": null,
            "merchant_name": null,
            "merchant_logo": null,
            "merchant_id": "SBN1EBZEQ8"
        "currency": "NGN",
        "recurring": {
            "frequency": null,
            "duration": null,
            "type": 0,
            "plan_code": null,
            "customer_name": null
        "is_recurring": false,
        "plan_code": null,
        "callback_url": "",
        "transaction_ref": "4678388588350909090AH",
        "transaction_memo": null,
        "transaction_amount": 43000,
        "authorized_channels": [
        "checkout_url": ""

Sample Request

    "initiate_type": "inline",

Recurring Payment (Charge Authorization on Card)

This allows you charge a card without collecting the card information each time

Authorization Any request made without the authorization key (secret key) will fail with a 401 (Unauthorized) response code.

The authorization key is sent via the request header as Bearer Token Authorization

For recurring Payments test on Sandbox, ensure to use the test card: 5200000000000007

Example: Authorization: Bearer sandbox_sk_94f2b798466408ef4d19e848ee1a4d1a3e93f104046f

Card Tokenization

To tokenize a card, just add a flag to the initiate payload when calling the initiate endpoint and the card will automatically be tokenized. The unique token code will automatically be added to the webhook notification that will be received after payment.


Sample Request for Card Tokenization

    "initiate_type": "inline",

Charge Card

This allows you to charge a card using the token generated during the initial transaction which was sent via webhook


Request Body

    "status": 200,
    "success": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "transaction_amount": 0,
        "transaction_ref": null,
        "email": null,
        "transaction_status": null,
        "transaction_currency_id": null,
        "created_at": "0001-01-01T00:00:00",
        "transaction_type": null,
        "merchant_name": null,
        "merchant_business_name": null,
        "gateway_transaction_ref": null,
        "recurring": null,
        "merchant_email": null,
        "plan_code": null

Sample Request


Query All Transactions

This endpoint allows you to query all transactions and filter using multiple parameters like transaction ref, start and end dates, amount, etc

N.B: The date parameters are compulsory and should be a maximum of one month gap


Query Parameters

"status": 200,
    "success": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": [
            "id": 589,
            "transaction_amount": 500000,
            "transaction_ref": "SQDEMO6384411820295800001",
            "email": "",
            "merchant_id": "AABBCCDDEEFFGGHHJJKK",
            "merchant_amount": 495000,
            "merchant_name": "Demo Habari Shop",
            "merchant_business_name": "Ogbologba and Sons Limited",
            "merchant_email": "",
            "customer_email": "",
            "customer_name": "Test QA",
            "meta_data": "{\"ip_address\":\"\",\"Customer_name\":\"Test QA\",\"user_agent\":\"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36\",\"referring_site\":\"\",\"payment_link_id\":\"GH9Y19\",\"payment_link_type\":\"otp\",\"source\":\"Desktop\",\"device_id\":null,\"order_id\":null,\"auth_code\":null,\"fingerprintData\":null,\"callback_url\":null,\"initiate_type\":null,\"browser_screen_height\":695,\"browser_screen_width\":1536,\"referrer_url\":\"\",\"extra\":\"{}\"}",
            "meta": {
                "ip_address": [],
                "Customer_name": [],
                "user_agent": [],
                "referring_site": [],
                "payment_link_id": [],
                "payment_link_type": [],
                "source": [],
                "device_id": [],
                "order_id": [],
                "auth_code": [],
                "fingerprintData": [],
                "callback_url": [],
                "initiate_type": [],
                "browser_screen_height": [],
                "browser_screen_width": [],
                "referrer_url": [],
                "extra": []
            "transaction_status": "success",
            "transaction_charges": 0,
            "transaction_currency_id": "NGN",
            "transaction_gateway_id": "",
            "transaction_type": "Card",
            "flat_charge": 0,
            "is_suspicious": false,
            "is_refund": false,
            "created_at": "2024-02-21T13:16:43.012+00:00"

Go Live

To go live, simply:

1. Change the base URL of your endpoints from to

2. Sign up on our Live Environment

3. Complete your KYC

4. Use the secret key provided on the dashboard to replace the test keys gotten from the sandbox environment to authenticate your live transactions.

Last updated