Wallet Balance

This endpoint allows you get your Squad Wallet Balance. Please be informed that the wallet balance is in KOBO. (Please note that you can't get wallet balance for Dollar transactions)

Authorization Any request made without the authorization key will fail with a 401 (Service Not Authorized) response code.

Authorization would be done via Headers using Keys gotten from your dashboard.

Example: Authorization: Bearer sandbox_sk_94f2b798466408ef4d19e848ee1a4d1a3e93f104046f

This endpoint allows you get your Squad Wallet Balance. Amount is in KOBO.

GET https://sandbox-api-d.squadco.com/merchant/balance

Query Parameters




It only takes the value "NGN". (Please note that you can't get wallet balance for Dollar transactions)

    "status": 200,
    "success": true,
    "message": "Success",
    "data": {
        "balance": "2367013",
        "currency_id": "NGN",
        "merchant_id": "SBN1EBZEQ8"

Last updated

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